Traditional Hookah and Modern Hookah: What’s the Difference



Hookah is a traditional Middle Eastern water pipe that has been around for centuries. It’s generally used for smoking flavored tobacco, but it can also be used to smoke herbal or dry leaves. The hookah gets its name because it is shaped like a large wine goblet with a short stem and hose attached to the top. There are differences between traditional hookahs and modern hookahs, however they are both very similar in many ways.

Traditional Hookah

The traditional hookah consists of a water bowl, a hose and a head. The bowl is the container that holds the tobacco or shisha to be smoked. The hose is used to inhale the smoke from your hookah's bowl through your mouth into your lungs when you pull on it. A hookah head contains slots for air flow control, which allows users to draw more or less air into their lungs when smoking from their pipes.

The bowl has a wide opening at one end and a small hole at the other. The hose slides into the large opening and rests against your mouth while you inhale.

Modern Hookah

While traditional hookah is made from clay or metal, modern hookah consists of glass, metal and acrylic. The modern version has been around for many years now and has become popular all over the world due to its unique design.

The modern hookah is more portable and easier to clean. It also has a wider base than the traditional hookah, which makes it more stable. Another advantage of the modern version is that it allows you to smoke multiple flavors at once using different hoses.

Hookah Online

Online hookah is a great way to smoke. It's also a good way to save money, meet people and socialize.

Experience the tradition and culture of hookah smoking with our collection of shisha and hookahs online in India.

Hookah is a water pipe used for smoking tobacco or cannabis, which originated in India and Middle East. The word ‘hookah’ is derived from the Persian word ‘huqqah’, which means ‘a water-pipe’. Hookah has gained popularity in different parts of the world due to its exotic nature. People love to enjoy smoking hookah because it gives an amazing experience that cannot be felt from any other product.

Happy Trail brings you an exclusive range of Hookahs at affordable prices!


Hookah is a traditional way of smoking tobacco, but it's also an enjoyable experience for people of all ages. The modern hookah has many variations, including electronic ones and even disposable models that can be used anywhere. You can find all types of hookah online at Happy Trail.


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