What are the newest hookah pipes available in India?



Hookah pipes have been around for a long time and the design has hardly changed. However, there are some new innovations in the market which can add to your smoking experience. Here we list 5 of these latest designs that you can use to smoke at home or in your local shisha bar.


SG Khamosh Hookah is a new design by SG and it's absolutely stunning. The hookah has a copper base which gives it an elegant touch, making it perfect for parties or special occasions. It comes with high quality materials, so you can be sure that this will last for years to come. The capacity of 50g makes this one of the best hookahs available on Amazon India right now!

The valve system is also very easy to use - just open your mouth and inhale through your nose; no need to do anything else!


The SG Hookah Freezer is a new design in the market, with a classy look and easy to clean and store. It comes with a silicone hose, which makes it even more convenient to use.


This hookah is made of stainless steel and comes in different colors. It has a removable bowl, so you can easily clean it after using it. The long handle makes it easier to hold the pipe while smoking, which is why this hookah is great for beginners as well as experienced smokers.


SG Hookah Jinn is a very popular hookah pipe that is made of glass and brass. It's available in different colors and has a large bowl, long stem and diffuser.

The SG Hookah Jinn includes:

  • 4 hose connectors (1 x Nargila/Shisha Hose) with rubber rings

  • 1 Glass Bowl for shisha / tobacco (40mm wide)

  • 1 Glass Bowl for herbal blends / herbal incense (40mm wide)


The Shopo Hookah is a small and compact hookah that is easy to carry around. It comes with a hose and bowl, so you can start smoking right away. The design of this hookah makes it easy to clean as well, which makes it an ideal choice for beginners who are looking for an affordable option without sacrificing quality or performance.

The Shopo comes in different colors including white, red and black so you can choose one that matches your style!

These are some of the latest designs of hookah pipes available in India

These are some of the latest designs of hookah pipes available in India:

  • SG Khamosh Hookah

The SG Khamosh Hookah is a pipe that comes with a bucket-like base, which makes it easy to store your hookah accessories. It has an elegant design that looks great on any table or shelf and comes with a bowl made from borosilicate glass. This means that you can use this bowl without worrying about breaking it due to heat damage because it won't get hot like other materials would when heated up while smoking out of them! The SG Khamosh Hookah also features an ashtray at its base so you don't have to worry about burning yourself while trying to clear away ashes after smoking off this wonderful product!


These are some of the latest designs of hookah pipes available in India. If you are looking for something different, we hope this article has helped you find it! Experience the tradition and culture of hookah smoking with our collection of shisha and hookahs online in India. Shop now for fast shipping and a wide range of styles.


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