How to fill a proper hookah chillum or bowl?



If you're interested in smoking out of a chillum, there are a few steps you can take to make sure your smoking experience is as smooth and enjoyable as possible. A good chillum will make the experience that much better, so be sure to get one that fits the size of your group and how often you plan on using it.

Step 1: Take your chillum and fill it with the amount of shisha you'll want to smoke.

  • Take your chillum and fill it with the amount of shisha you'll want to smoke.

If you're new to smoking hookah, keep in mind that less is more when it comes to filling your bowl. When it comes down to it, there's no right or wrong way to do this; however, we recommend starting off with a small amount (about 1/4 inch) before gradually working up from there as needed. If at any point during your session you feel like adding more flavor or smoke production into the mix, go ahead and add more!

The best way for beginners to figure out how much tobacco works best for them is by experimenting with different amounts until they find what feels right--and remember: if at first glance one seems too large then chances are good that smaller pieces might suit better than larger ones anyway so don't hesitate before breaking down those big leaves into smaller chunks."

Step 2: Place your mouth on one end of a hookah hose and your friend on the other end.

  • Place your mouth on one end of a hookah hose and your friend on the other end.

  • Hookah hoses can be difficult to handle, so try using a hookah hose holder to prevent dropping it.

Step 3: Have a blast smoking out of your chillum!

Now that you have your chillum and hookah bowl, it's time to fill them up with tobacco and smoke! The first step is to take a pinch of tobacco and place it in your hookah bowl. Next, cover the top of the bowl with foil or paper (preferably aluminum) so that no ash falls into your mouth while smoking. Then light up and enjoy your smoke!

When done right, this method will yield exceptional results every time; however there are some things you should keep in mind:

  • Make sure not to pack too much tobacco into your chillum or bowl--you want enough space left over for air flow so that there isn't too much resistance when inhaling through your hose or pipe stem.* If using coals instead of an electric heating element on top of which we recommend using tongs which helps prevent accidental burns from hot surfaces such as metal pipes/bowls etc...

Having a chillum is fun and easy when you know how to use it correctly!

  • Have a chillum: A chillum is a smoking device that consists of a straight tube, with one end open to allow air flow and the other end closed off with a coal or tobacco packed into it.

  • Fill it with shisha: You can use any type of hookah tobacco or molasses-based product in your chillum, but cherry and mango are among the most popular flavors when smoking out of this kind of pipe.

  • Place mouth on one end of hookah hose: Once you've filled your chillum with shisha, place your mouth over one end of its attached hookah hose (this is where we'll insert our friend later). Make sure not to block any holes on either side! If there are no holes visible from inside this area yet then don't worry because they're usually located around where we're going put our hand anyway so just keep reading...

  • Place friend on other end of hookah hose: Now take another person who wants try out smoking too but isn't interested enough yet - maybe even someone who doesn't know how - place them at opposite sides so he/she can experience firsthand what happens next!


Hopefully, this blog post has helped you understand how to use a chillum and the importance of using it correctly. Enjoy the traditional art of smoking with our collection of high-quality silicon hookah chillum online. Shop now for fast shipping and a wide range of styles and sizes to suit your needs.!


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