Why do people smoke hookah?



Hookah smoking has become more popular over the years and is now known as a social activity in which you can meet new people, share a good time, and even enjoy the taste of tobacco. But there are many more reasons why people smoke hookah than just those. In this article, we’ll discuss some of them so you can decide if this habit might be something worth trying out for yourself!

Hookah is less harmful than cigarettes.

Hookah is a water pipe used to smoke tobacco. It has been around for centuries and has become popular in the West over the past decade or so. Many people believe that hookah is less harmful than cigarettes, but this isn't true.

Hookah smoke contains nicotine and tar (the chemicals that make up cigarette smoke), but it also contains several other toxic substances found in cigarette smoke: carbon monoxide, heavy metals such as lead and arsenic, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide (which was once used as poison by Nazis), formaldehyde--even radioactive polonium-210! In fact, research shows that smoking hookah may be even worse than smoking cigarettes because you inhale more deeply into your lungs compared to when smoking cigarettes.

It's a social activity.

The social aspect of hookah smoking is a big reason why people do it. It's common for people to smoke hookah with friends and family, as opposed to alone. In fact, studies have shown that only about 1% of hookah smokers use the device by themselves.

Hookah smoking is also a great way to relax and socialize with others--if you've ever been invited over for a "haleem" session (a traditional Egyptian dish) at someone's house, you know what I mean!

The smoke tastes good and smells good.

Smell and taste are closely linked senses, and hookah smoke has a unique taste that smokers find appealing. The smell of tobacco is strong and distinctive, but it doesn't have the same appeal as hookah. Hookah smoke is flavoured with different flavours such as mint, fruit or chocolate -- all of which can be inhaled through the pipe's bowl. The taste of these flavors also appeals to people who smoke hookahs because they want something different from cigarettes or cigars.

In addition to being able to smell and taste their chosen flavour(s), many hookah smokers enjoy getting high on nicotine just like cigarette smokers do when they inhale cigarette smoke into their lungs. However, unlike cigarettes which contain over 4 thousand chemicals including carbon monoxide gas generated during combustion (burning), most shisha pipes only use charcoal filters in order remove toxins such as tar before inhaling them into your body at high speeds through water vaporisation process called "steamers".

You can do other things while you're smoking hookah, like talking and listening to music.

You can do other things while you're smoking hookah, like talking and listening to music. You can also play video games, watch movies, read books or just relax in your own space.

The reasons people smoke hookah vary depending on the person, but it seems to be mostly about socializing and tasting good.

The reasons people smoke hookah vary depending on the person, but it seems to be mostly about socializing and tasting good.

Hookah is a social activity that can be enjoyed by a group of people at once. Smoking hookah allows you to sit around with your friends or family, pass around the hose, and talk about what's going on in your lives while enjoying an aromatic smoke together. The sweet aroma of the tobacco leaves makes for an enjoyable sensory experience as well; it smells good!

Another reason why people smoke hookah is because they don't want their hands tied up while they're smoking--or even if they do want their hands tied up (because they're trying not to fidget). Many smokers enjoy doing other things while smoking such as eating food or playing cards or video games because it allows them to multitask while consuming nicotine; whereas cigarettes require someone else's help when lighting them up due to needing two hands free during use (one hand holding lighter/matches; one hand holding cigarette).


Hookah is a unique form of tobacco use that has grown rapidly in popularity in recent years. It's important for people who smoke hookah to understand the risks and benefits so they can make informed decisions about their health.


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