Hookah Blog | How-to Guides & Tips for Hookah Chillum


Hookah is a traditional smoking method that’s been around for centuries. It’s not just fun to smoke, it also makes your surroundings smell amazing! Hookah is typically associated with the Middle East, but it has become more popular in Western culture over the past decade. However, not everyone knows how to use their hookah pipe correctly because there are so many different parts involved. In this article, we'll explain everything you need to know about using a hookah chillum and what kinds are available on the market today.

Choose your hookah chillum

Choosing the right hookah chillum is important, especially if you're new to smoking out of one. A small bowl will allow you to control how much shisha you use at one time and make sure that it doesn't burn too quickly. Also, glass is easier to clean than metal or ceramic bowls because it can be boiled in water without cracking or breaking.

How to clean a hookah chillum

To clean your hookah chillum, you'll want to use a pipe cleaner or cotton swab to clean out any gunk that may have built up inside. You can also use rubbing alcohol if you're worried about germs. Don't use soap, as it will leave residue behind and make things worse!

How to pack a hookah chillum

  • Use a chillum packing tool

A good packing tool is made of metal and has two prongs that hold the tobacco in place while you press it into the bowl. You can use your fingers, but this will be more time consuming and may result in an uneven pack.

  • Use a screen

A screen is used to keep ash from falling on your hookah bowl or burning down into it after being lit by coals (or a torch). It also helps prevent clogging, which occurs when particles of tobacco get stuck between the holes of your bowl's interior walls or fall into its center hole while smoking. If you don't use one, these particles can cause problems later on--for example: if they start burning right before hitting water during inhalation; or even worse... if they start burning while still sitting there inside!

How to seal a hookah chillum

It's important to make sure that you have a good seal on your hookah chillum. The easiest way to do this is with a rubber band, but if you want to get fancy, there are also special sealers available at most smoke shops that can help make sure your hookah pipe stays airtight.

Once you've finished packing your bowl and sealed it off with either method mentioned above (or another method), wait at least 15 minutes before smoking so the tobacco has time to settle into place inside of your bowl.

You can learn how to use a hookah by reading this article!

  • How to Clean a Hookah Chillum

Cleaning your hookah is an important part of maintaining it. You can clean your hookah by using alcohol or vinegar, but these solutions will not remove all traces of resin from inside the glass base. For this reason, we recommend using baking soda and water as an alternative method for cleaning out your hookah chillum. To do so:

  • Fill up the base with warm water and add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda per cup (or one tablespoon if using a large bowl). Stir until dissolved completely; then let sit overnight (or at least 8 hours).

  • Pour out liquid into sink once it has had time to sit overnight; rinse with hot water before refilling again with fresh mixture made up as noted above


With the tips in this article, you should be able to use your hookah chillum without any problems. If you have any further questions about using a hookah or other related topics, please feel free to contact us here!


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